Category: Cocktail History

  • A Sip of Summer

    A Sip of Summer

    History of the Pimm’s Cup With the first days of April upon us, the temperatures are quickly rising, threatening the upcoming summer heat that New Orleans is famous for.  While we can’t offer a solution for the humidity of a Southern summer, we can promise that one of the quickest ways to cool down in…

  • The Carousel Cocktail: History of the Vieux Carre

    The Carousel Cocktail: History of the Vieux Carre

    The Drink that Spins: The Vieux Carre Cocktail If you’re looking for a strong drink, nowhere can serve one quite like the Big Easy.  From rum-loaded Hurricanes to the unspeakable Bourbon Street ‘Hand Grenades’, from the classy Sazerac to the the classic Old Fashioned, there’s no doubt that New Orleans knows how to mix them. …

  • Christmas Hurricane at Pat O’Briens

    Christmas Hurricane at Pat O’Briens

    The History of Hurricane Cocktails Of the seemingly infinite number of New Orleans cocktails, the Hurricane is perhaps the one that represents our city’s ability to adapt best.  Born of necessity, this cocktail has become a Crescent City classic and a bartending staple.  So let’s take a peek into its tropical past and see what…

  • Shake, Rattle, and Roll: The History of the Ramos Gin Fizz

    Shake, Rattle, and Roll: The History of the Ramos Gin Fizz

    Groom’s Cakes What’s the quickest way to start your evening off with a sizzle? Why, with a Ramos Gin Fizz!  Here in New Orleans, the Ramos Gin Fizz is a cocktail we are all too familiar with, but for most people around the United States it’s a bit of a mystery.  That’s because this Big…

  • A Drink to Cure All Ails : the History of the Sazerac

    A Drink to Cure All Ails : the History of the Sazerac

    Born and bred in the Big Easy, the Sazerac is a cornerstone of drinking culture in the South. So much so, that it is often said to be the first cocktail ever made, a rumor that has graced New Orleanian lips since the early 1800’s.  While the Sazerac holds a prominent place in our history…