
Tag: cocktails

  • The Carousel Cocktail: History of the Vieux Carre

    The Carousel Cocktail: History of the Vieux Carre

    The Drink that Spins: The Vieux Carre Cocktail If you’re looking for a strong drink, nowhere can serve one quite like the Big Easy.  From rum-loaded Hurricanes to the unspeakable Bourbon Street ‘Hand Grenades’, from the classy Sazerac to the the classic Old Fashioned, there’s no doubt that New Orleans knows how to mix them. …

  • Christmas Hurricane at Pat O’Briens

    Christmas Hurricane at Pat O’Briens

    The History of Hurricane Cocktails Of the seemingly infinite number of New Orleans cocktails, the Hurricane is perhaps the one that represents our city’s ability to adapt best.  Born of necessity, this cocktail has become a Crescent City classic and a bartending staple.  So let’s take a peek into its tropical past and see what…