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Many consider December 25th and Christmas Day to be the end of the Christmas season. Trees and decorations are taken down before the new year begins and the idea of continuing to feast after that belly-busting Christmas dinner is unthinkable. But for those who know the 12 Days of Christmas as more than a seasonal…
New Orleans. Lawrence N. Powell calls it “The Accidental City” in his book of the same name. Peirce Lewis memorably named it “an impossible but inevitable city” in his book, New Orleans: The Making of an Urban Landscape. Both men have a point. New Orleans was and is a very unlikely place. We sit in…
In a world of elaborately decorated buttercream and fondant cakes, the Kringle is easy to overlook. At first glance, it appears to be nothing more than an oversized iced Danish or maybe a flattened King Cake. But look closer and you’ll notice dozens of flaky, lighter than air layers under that smear of icing. Hiding…
Canal Street in New Orleans is a magical place at Christmas. Snow appears in Fulton Alley despite temperatures often being a balmy 70 degrees, streetcars and lamp posts bear wreaths, and thousands upon thousands of lights glow throughout the giant live oaks of City Park. Countless people take in these sights every year, often stopping…
People from all around the globe come to enjoy New Orleans every year.Whether they prefer a scenic streetcar ride up the live oak lined avenue of St. Charles or a slow stroll through the Vieux Carre, what many visitors don’t know is a place as charming and picturesque rests just outside the French Quarter. It’s…
How are legends made? One whisper at a time. Or at least such seems to be the case with New Orleans’ most famous practitioner of Voodoo, Marie Laveau. Her name is known worldwide and, while verifiable facts of her life are scarce at best, there is no shortage of stories about the woman New Orleans…
Come walk the strange, winding trail of history that lead to today’s Audubon Park. Whether it’s your first time in New Orleans or you’re a verified local, one of the city’s must-see destinations is Audubon Park. Home to ancient live oaks, lagoons, walking trails, and one of the nation’s best zoos, the park also contains…