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Everyone in our slice of Louisiana is fully aware that king cake season begins on January 6. It’s the beginning of Carnival season, which means our favorite purple, green, and gold treat is available all the way until Mardi Gras. But what many people — and we’d wager to say most people — don’t realize…
Twelfth Night — or January 6 — is the undisputed kick-off to Carnival season! But the Twelfth night of what? In many parts of the world, Twelfth Night and the Christian holiday, Epiphany, are synonymous. One definition of epiphany is “the manifestation of a supernatural being.” In this case, that supernatural being was the baby…
Many consider December 25th and Christmas Day to be the end of the Christmas season. Trees and decorations are taken down before the new year begins and the idea of continuing to feast after that belly-busting Christmas dinner is unthinkable. But for those who know the 12 Days of Christmas as more than a seasonal…
Canal Street in New Orleans is a magical place at Christmas. Snow appears in Fulton Alley despite temperatures often being a balmy 70 degrees, streetcars and lamp posts bear wreaths, and thousands upon thousands of lights glow throughout the giant live oaks of City Park. Countless people take in these sights every year, often stopping…
If you’ve ever been in New Orleans for the holidays, you know the city loves to dress itself in all the finery of the season. It seems every home is jeweled and crowned by twinkling lights while oak and palm trees are swathed with wreaths and ribbons. To truly appreciate the festive displays this winter,…