Tag: King Cake

  • You think you know Mardi Gras? How about Cajun Country’s Courir de Mardi Gras?!

    You think you know Mardi Gras? How about Cajun Country’s Courir de Mardi Gras?!

    Carnival is here again and many of us who have been in the area for a while consider ourselves to be a bit of a Mardi Gras expert. That’s fair—at least as it pertains to the Greater New Orleans Area. As you may be aware, only two-and-a-half hours west on Interstate 10, there’s a Mardi…

  • Did you know king cake used to be a one-day-a-year treat?

    Did you know king cake used to be a one-day-a-year treat?

    Everyone in our slice of Louisiana is fully aware that king cake season begins on January 6. It’s the beginning of Carnival season, which means our favorite purple, green, and gold treat is available all the way until Mardi Gras. But what many people — and we’d wager to say most people — don’t realize…

  • Boeuf Gras: Get Your Carnival Fill Before Lent

    Boeuf Gras: Get Your Carnival Fill Before Lent

    If you’ve seen the Rex parade on Fat Tuesday it’s likely you’ve noticed the enormous white bull sitting atop one of the iconic parade’s signature floats. And you’re not alone. Decades of New Orleanians have seen the same bewildering sight. Welcome to Boeuf Gras. The massive creature is known as Boeuf Gras and is one…

  • King Cake’s Cousins Around the Globe

    King Cake’s Cousins Around the Globe

    When you ask most Americans where king cake is eaten, the most frequent answers you’ll hear are Louisiana or New Orleans. But, to the surprise of many, king cake is enjoyed all across Europe and North America.  This is because the king cake tradition began thousands of years ago in Ancient Rome. Mardi Gras (or…

  • Twelfth Night Traditions of New Orleans

    Twelfth Night Traditions of New Orleans

    Twelfth Night — or January 6 — is the undisputed kick-off to Carnival season! But the Twelfth night of what?  In many parts of the world, Twelfth Night and the Christian holiday, Epiphany, are synonymous. One definition of epiphany is “the manifestation of a supernatural being.” In this case, that supernatural being was the baby…

  • Twelfth Night and The Feast of the Epiphany

    Twelfth Night and The Feast of the Epiphany

    Many consider December 25th and Christmas Day to be the end of the Christmas season. Trees and decorations are taken down before the new year begins and the idea of continuing to feast after that belly-busting Christmas dinner is unthinkable. But for those who know the 12 Days of Christmas as more than a seasonal…

  • A Treat for Kings: The King Cake Story

    A Treat for Kings: The King Cake Story

    Bakery Basics The New Orleans king cake is a cinnamon and sugar spiced dough that is molded into a large circle and decorated with icing and sprinkles in the Mardi Gras colors of purple, green, and gold.  The king cake dough, however, varies greatly in bakeries across the Big Easy; while some lean towards a…